Entwerfen und Implementieren einer Data Scientist Lösung unter Azure (MCS_DP-100)

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4  Days
Price: 1,990.00 €

Learning goals

  • Learn how to run machine learning solutions in the cloud with Azure Machine Learning. In this course, you will learn to use your existing Python and machine learning skills to manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and monitoring of machine learning solutions with Azure Machine Learning and MLflow.


  • Design a data ingestion strategy for machine learning projects".
  • Design a solution for training machine learning models
  • Design a solution for the deployment of models
  • Explore the resources and assets of the Azure Machine Learning workspace
  • Explore developer tools for interacting in the workspace
  • Make data available in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with environments in Azure Machine Learning
  • Find the best classification model with automated machine learning
  • Track model training in Jupyter notebooks with MLflow
  • Run a training script as a command job in Azure Machine Learning
  • Track model training with MLflow in jobs
  • Running pipelines in Azure Machine Learning
  • Perform hyperparameter tuning with Azure Machine Learning
  • Deploy a model to a managed online endpoint
  • Deploy a model to a batch endpoint

START DATE END DATE Location Language Price Seats Available Action
04.11.2024, 09:00 07.11.2024, 17:00 Virtuell deutsch 1,990.00 € 6
Interest list

You can add your name to the list of interested parties at any time and we will contact you as soon as the next dates have been defined.

If you are interested in customized training or have any other questions about this training, please contact us directly.

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